Recent &

“Numbers and Persons: Logistics and the Asian American Autobiographical Novel” (article in progress)

“The Asian American Character of Logistics” 

  • Americanist Colloquium, Dept. of English, Yale University. March 2024.
  • “Logistics, Race, and Narrative.” Seminar on “The Rhetoric of Value,” convened by Seb Boersma, Jake Orbison, and Sam Samore. With Bret Benjamin, Beverly Best, Charlie Bond, Fintan Calpin, Benjamin Crais, Amy De'Ath, Delarys Ramos Estrada, Andrew Haas, Aditi Kumar, Blanca Missé, Jake Orbison, and Carson Welch. ACLA. Montreal, Canada. March 2024.
  • Panel on “Supply-Chain Capitalism,” convened by Eli Jelly-Schapiro, with Peter Hitchcock, Miriam Posner, and Tierney Powell. MLA. Philadelphia.  January 2024.
  • Panel on “Cold War, Decolonization, and Crisis,” with Jini Kim Watson, Joseph Keith, and Christopher J. Lee. Association of Postcolonial Thought. University of Michigan. September 2023.

“Archipelagic Pedagogies of American Studies”

A roundtable convened by Brian Russell Roberts, with Cherene Sherrard-Johnson, Iping J. Jiang, Dario Fazzi, and Melissa Gniadek. American Studies Association (ASA), Montreal, Canada. November 2-5, 2023.

In conversation with Seb Franklin, “Value and Slavery, or the Longue Durée of the Analog-Digital Distinction”

The Program in Media and Modernity, School of Architecture, Princeton University. October 24, 2023.

Neferti Tadiar’s “Remaindered Life”

In conversation with Jasbir Puar and Erica Edwards around Neferti Tadiar’s work. Barnard College, Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. April 11, 2023.

“Marcos and Pinochet at the International Writing Program”

Panel on “Institutions of Authorship, 1965-2022,” convened by Alexander Manshel, with Sarah Brouillette, Laura McGrath, and Aarthi Vadde. Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present (ASAP/13). UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.  Sep. 14-17, 2022.

“Carlos Bulosan, Socialist?”

Socialist World Cultures, convened by Anna Björk Einarsdóttir and Hunter Bivens. The Humanities Institute at the University of California, Santa Cruz (THI) and the University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI). May 26-27, 2022.

In conversation with Yogita Goyal, “The Global Afterlives of Slavery”

Red May 2022. May 14, 2022. 

“Chicago’s Asia: Early Human Capital Theory and the Neoliberal Remaking of the Model Minority Myth”

  • Seminar on “Human Capital.” Convened by Benjamin Conisbee Baer. American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). June 15-18, 2022.
  • Symposium on “Archiving Cold War Asia” convened by Chih-ming Wang and David Chang. Panel on “Humans as Archive: Theories about Capital,” with Sunny Xiang and Petrus Liu. Harvard Yenching Institute, Harvard University. April 30, 2022.

“Knowledge Production / Knowledge Economy”

Roundtable on “Renewing Cold War Studies: The Enduring Importance of this Era for Asian American Studies,” convened by Rosanne Sia and Heidi K. Kim, with Crystal Baik, Yumi Lee, Cindy I-Fen Cheng, Sunny Xiang, and Josephine Park. Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS), Denver, CO. April 14-16, 2022.

“Honoring bell hooks: Reflections on Her Pedagogical Legacy”

Panel with Brian Herrera, Monica Huerta, and Autumn Womack. Convened by the McGraw Center. Feb 24, 2022.

“Managing Genre Thresholds: Circuits and Circulation in Graham Greene’s The Quiet American

Brandeis University Novel Symposium. Convened by John Plotz. Oct. 22, 2021.

“Philippines 1974: Labor Export as Semiperipheral Adjustment”

Panel on “Filipinx Racialization and Histories of Racial Capitalism,” convened by Paul Nadal and Adrian De Leon, with Genevieve Clutario, Allan Lumba, and Robyn Magalit Rodriguez (Respondent). American Studies Association (ASA), Baltimore, MD (Online). Oct. 13, 2021.

“On Carlos Bulosan’s The Cry and the Dedication

The Carlos Bulosan Center for Filipinx Studies, UC Davis. May 28, 2021.

“The Social Life of Remittances: Migration, Finance, and the Crisis of Care Work”

Lecture for Asian American Alumni Association of Princeton (A4P), with April Chou ’96. Apr. 27, 2021.

“Reading Between Literature and Economy: Analogy as Mediation”

Seminar on “How Could We Read Now: The Sociology of Literature/The Value of Sociology,” convened by Patrick Anson and Kelly Roberts. American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). April 8–11, 2021.

“The Literary after State Containment”

Invited presenter for roundtable on “Fictions of Belonging,” with Stephen Best, Michaela Bronstein, Sukanya Banerjee, and Melanie Micir. Convened by Jonathan Grossman on behalf of the MLA Genre Studies Prose Fiction Committee. MLA Convention, Seattle, WA. Jan. 10, 2020.